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Death is a Very Dreadful Thing

Whilst researching the book I am currently writing (The Battle of the Somme: A Layman's Guide) I came across this short quote in the fab book The Somme by the utterly brilliant Peter Hart.

It resonated strongly with me so I had to share it.

Death is a very dreadful thing to those who are not flung into slaughter. It will take months for me to gain a truer perspective. When the dead lie all around you, and the man next to you, or oneself, may puff out, death becomes a very unimportant incident. It is not callousness, but just too much knowledge. Like other things, man has ignored death and treated it as something to talk of with pale cheek and bated breath. When one gets death on every side, the reaction is sudden.

Two chaps go out for water, and one returns. Says a pal to him, ‘Well, where’s Bill?’ ‘A bloody “whizz-bang” took his bloody head off’ my not appear sympathetic, but it is the only way of looking at the thing and remaining sane. You may be certain however, that the same man would carry Bill ten miles if there was any chance of fixing his head on again.

Medical Officer Captain Charles McKerrow,

10th Northumberland Fusiliers, 68th Brigade, 23rd Division

You can buy the book The Somme by Peter Hart on Amazon It tells the story of the battle through the men that were there - it relies heavily on quotes and interviews and as such is a great piece of history. If you haven't read it yet, do so.

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